New Theme, More Modern.

by Tyleo Dv. Delaware


After many search over the web, I've finally found the smartest theme for my website and altsites. Smart.

And after many tests of other softwares than Ghost CMS, I do not find anything stable, simplier than Ghost. So i tried to find a new theme for a more modern experience.

Smart | An elegant, free Ghost theme
My free Ghost theme, Smart 🤓, is available for download (zip). I have a demo site up with posts on how to customize the theme, and I’m also using it for my personal site. Releases, source code, and theme docs are available in the Github repo. All the Styles Features Performance & accessibility (a11y) forward Responsive design Integrated search Image zoom in posts Responsive tables in posts Lazy loaded images Share bar with ability to copy URL to clipboard Contact form (with Formsp…

So I found this. A modern, elegant theme for Ghost CMS, and the used one currently on this website and my altsites (see the navbar).

You can use some features of this theme without login ! like :

Hope you like it !

Tyleo Dv. Delaware, Make IT Happening.